Financial Aid & Scholarship Office

Undergraduate Eligibility & Enrollment Requirements

Your eligibility for federal and state financial aid is determined by information you provided on the FAFSA or CADAA. Estimated financial aid offers are based on your eligibility and need, and are based on full-time status. The number of units in which you are actually enrolled decides the specific amount of financial aid you receive.

Thumbnail of A Minute to Learn It - 5 Things You Need to Know About Full-time and Part-time Enrollment

At University Census, financial aid awards are revised (prorated) to match eligibility based on the actual number of units in which students are officially enrolled. Open University units, all classes taken for audit and excess repeats do NOT qualify for financial aid. Awards may be reduced for students enrolled in fewer than full-time units.

Undergraduate Enrollment Definitions for Financial Aid by Semester

Undergrad Enrollment Definitions
Undergraduate Enrollment StatusNumber of UnitsFunding Eligibility*
Full-time undergraduateMinimum of 12 semester units
  • All types of aid, maximum amount based on SAI, need* or COA
  • Federal Direct Loans may be prorated**
Three-quarter-time undergraduate***9-11.9 semester units
  • Prorated for 3/4 time: Pell, Cal Grant A & B, Cal B Access
  • Full amount allowed: SUG, FSEOG, EOPG
  • Federal Direct Loans may be prorated**
Half-time undergraduate***6-8.9 semester units
  • Prorated for 1/2-time: Pell, Cal Grant A & B, Cal B Access
  • Prorated for 1/2-time at 6 units: SUG, Middle Class Scholarship
  • Full amount allowed: FSEOG, EOPG
  • Federal Direct Loans may be prorated**
Part-time undergraduate***1-5.9 semester unitsPell prorated for less than 1/2-time;
NOT eligible for other types of aid

*Student Aid Index and Need determine the type and maximum amount of aid for which you are eligible. Students enrolled less than full-time may see their financial aid reduced from the initial estimated offer.

**Graduating seniors, enrolled for one semester only:
- with fewer than 12 units, will have their loans prorated down, based on units
- with more than 12 units, will have their loans prorated up based on units

***Recipients of Wildcat Scholarships and Presidential Scholarships require full-time enrollment.

See Types of Aid for details of all types of available aid at Chico State.
See Withdrawal, Refund, and Repayment for information regarding financial aid policies for withdrawal from the University.
See Student Financial Services for how enrollment affects fees. Fee charges are based on a different breakdown of units.