College of Business

Faculty Engagement

Intellectual Contributions

Our faculty are not only great instructors but also intellectually engaged in their disciplines producing a significant portfolio of intellectual contributions. Over the last five years, our faculty have produced nearly 200 publications, they are listed here (PDF).

Below are just a few profiles of recent publications by our faculty. 

Parand Mansouri-Rad

Parand Mansouri-Rad, Ph.D.

Business Information Systems

Oil and Gas Exploration and Telemedicine: Cultural Factors in Telemedicine Adoption, Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly, 2017


The present research investigates the influence of culture on telemedicine adoption and patient information privacy, security, and policy. The results, based on the SEM analysis of the data collected in the United States, demonstrate that culture plays a significant role in telemedicine adoption. The results further show that culture also indirectly influences telemedicine adoption through information security, information privacy, and information policy. Our empirical results further indicate that information security, privacy, and policy impact telemedicine adoption.

P. Mansouri-Rad, M. A. Mahmood, S. E. Thompson and K. Putnam, "Culture Matters: Factors Affecting the Adoption of Telemedicine," 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Wailea, HI, USA, 2013, pp. 2515-2524. ( in new window)

Qingzhong Ma

Qingzhong Ma, Ph.D.

Finance and Marketing

Organizational structure, risk-based capital requirements and the sales of downgraded bonds, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2017


Using bond downgrades as external shocks to life insurers’ asset risk, we document several findings of the impact of organizational structure and risk factors on investment risk-taking. First, we find that mutual insurers and widely-held stock insurers are more likely to sell downgraded bonds than are closely-held stock insurers. Second, we find evidence that insurers are less likely to sell downgraded bonds that remain in the same rating class than bonds downgraded to a lower rating class. The result implies that insurers sell downgraded bonds mainly because of additional capital charge is imposed, not because of downgrade itself. In other words, risk factors in risk-based capital regulation do matter on life insurers’ investment risk-taking. Finally, we find that life insurers might be reluctant to sell downgraded bonds at fire-sale prices during the 2008–2009 financial crisis.

Erin P. Lu, Gene C. Lai, Qingzhong Ma, Organizational structure, risk-based capital requirements, and the sales of downgraded bonds, Journal of Banking & Finance, Volume 74, January 2017, Pages 51-68, ISSN 0378-4266, ( in new window)

Gary Braun

Gary Braun, Ph.D.


Interpretation of probability expressions in accounting: the effects of frame switching, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 2016


We report the results of an experiment that examines the interpretation of probability expressions included in the International Financial Reporting Standards by bicultural individuals. In particular, we examine the impact of a phenomenon known as frame switching, which occurs when the thinking processes of bicultural individuals are influenced by the language they use. We compared the interpretation of participants from two distinct cultures (Americans and Mexicans) and from participants who share both cultures (Mexican-Americans). We find, consistent with the expected effects of frame switching, that the interpretations of probability expressions by Mexican-Americans were influenced by the language in which they read the standards. The responses of Mexican-Americans reading the standards in Spanish tended toward those of Mexicans; whereas the responses of Mexican-Americans reading the standards in English tended toward the interpretations of Americans.

Esperanza Huerta, Yanira Petrides, Gary P. Braun, Interpretation of probability expressions in accounting: The effects of frame switching, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Volume 27, 2016, Pages 1-12, ISSN 1061-9518, ( in new window)

Ghadir Ishqaidef

Ghadir Ishqaidef, Ph.D.


Group rewards, group composition and information sharing: A motivated information processing perspective, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2016


Invoking the Motivated Information Processing in Groups (MIP-G) model, we argue that group performance-based pay plays a dual role in stimulating both epistemic and prosocial motivation. We experimentally examine the effects of group incentives on information sharing both directly and as a substitute for personality-based epistemic and prosocial motivators. Results support a relationship between group performance-based pay and increased dispersed information sharing. The interaction effects of pay conditions and group composition provide additional support for a dual role for group-based pay. For groups low in openness-to-experience, pay based on group-performance enhances dispersed information-sharing. For groups low in agreeableness, a group pay-for-performance condition leads to more time in discussion which leads to greater sharing of dispersed information. Finally, through effects on discussion time and information sharing, group performance-based rewards increase task performance. By explicating the role of group rewards on information sharing, our study contributes to the MIP-G and decision-making literatures.

Janice Francis Super, Pingshu Li, Ghadir Ishqaidef, James P. Guthrie, Group rewards, group composition and information sharing: A motivated information processing perspective, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Volume 134, 2016, Pages 31-44, ISSN 0749-5978, ( in new window)

Involvement with their Professions

Faculty have direct involvement with the practice of business through consulting activities, serving on Board of Directors, and engagement, networking, and broadening of their knowledge in their fields through their participation in a variety of professional organizations. 

Angela Casler

Angela Casler

Executive Director and Founder, Sustainable Management Association

The Sustainability Management Association (SMA) brings professionals together from diverse business industries, governmental and nonprofit professionals with the purpose of educating professionals on how to manage sustainability in any type of organization. The SMA's mission is to help professionals learn how to effectively manage sustainability, to drive economic performance, and create stakeholder value through social responsibility and environmental stewardship. 

Bonnie Persons

Bonnie Persons, J.D. 

Executive Board Member and former President The Western Academy of Legal Studies in Business

The Western Academy of Legal Studies in Business serves the law and business interests of academics and practitioners throughout the Western region, as well as across the nation and around the world. The organization hosts an annual conference in Monterey, California, bringing together practitioners and academics on a global scale. 

In total, our faculty participate in over 100 different professional organizations, including:
Academy of Legal Studies in Business(opens in new window)Financial Management Association(opens in new window)
Academy of Management(opens in new window)Information Systems Audit and Control Association(opens in new window)
Academy of Marketing Science(opens in new window)Institute of Internal Auditors(opens in new window)
American Accounting Association(opens in new window)International Leadership Association(opens in new window)
American Finance Association(opens in new window)Marketing Educators' Association(opens in new window)
American Institute of Professional Certified Accountant(opens in new window)National Association of Corporate Directors(opens in new window)
American Marketing Association(opens in new window)National Association of Professional Women(opens in new window)
Association for Information Systems(opens in new window)Project Management Institute(opens in new window)
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners(opens in new window)SAP University Alliance(opens in new window)
CalCPA Education Foundation(opens in new window)Society for Human Resource Management(opens in new window)

California Society of CPAs(opens in new window)

Sport Marketing Association(opens in new window)
Chico Chamber of Commerce(opens in new window)Strategic Management Society(opens in new window)
Data Science Association(opens in new window)Sustainability Management Association(opens in new window)
Decision Science Institute(opens in new window)System Dynamics Society(opens in new window)
Financial Education Association(opens in new window)Western Academy of Legal Studies in Business(opens in new window)

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