Featured Student

Mitchell Lung
(BS, Business Marketing, '22)
We couldn't be prouder to highlight our very own student staff member and incoming Dell Technologies Sales Representative, Mitchell Lung on his nomination for the 2022 Marketing Leadership Award. In order to achieve this honor, the student must demonstrate leadership skills such as a high involvement in College of Business events and serving as a role model for their peers. Mitchell has proven himself far beyond these qualifications, always carrying himself with a sense of humor and go-getting attitude. His drive and determination is contagious to those around him! As lead of the Seufferlein Sales Program competitions, Mitchell has served as a liaison between our program, its students, and those who support it. Through his veteran SSP employee status, Mitchell has been able to act as a mentor for our entry level student employees both personally, and professionally.
“I am honored to have been nominated for the Marketing Leadership Award this year. I am proud to see that all of my hard work and campus involvement has led me to receive this award and to be recognized for my accomplishments. Words cannot express the gratitude that I have for the professors, friends and family who have supported me throughout the years to help me become the person that I am today. I’m so happy to have had this opportunity to graduate from Chico State; Go Wildcats!”
Ana Flores Diaz
(BS, Business Marketing, '22)
We are ecstatic to highlight our very own student staff member and incoming E&J Gallo Winery Sales Representative, Ana Flores on her nomination for the 2022 Marketing Leadership Award. In order to achieve this honor, the student must demonstrate leadership skills such as a high involvement in College of Business events and serving as a role model for their peers. Ana has gone above and beyond said qualifications- consistently uplifting those around her through everything from her everyday interactions with her peers (which are always navigated with a smile!), to serving as an advocate for the Hispanic community on campus within the business space. In her final semester, Ana served as an assistant coach for our students participating in FIU's bilingual sales competition, and for the Junior class participants in our internal CSSI competition. Thank you, Ana, for all the light you bring to our community! You are an inspiration to all around you.
"I am honored to receive such an important award alongside Mitchell Lung. I have faced many challenges that have strengthened me to make me the person I am today. Thank you to the Seufferlein Sales Program for helping with this growth and turning me into a thorough professional who knows exactly what she wants."
Lindsey Alford
(BS, Business, '21)
Meet Lindsey Alford, one of our phenomenal students on staff this year for the SSP! She is a Business Administration major with an emphasis in marketing. Her wide range of experience has taken her to Consolidated Electrical Distributors where she worked as a marketing intern. In this position she excelled, designing a promotional event for over 200 customers. This experience transferred over well for the Seufferlein Sales Program, where she now works as a Digital Marketing Specialist. She excels working on complex projects, working to create content for marketing campaigns, and redoing certain processes within the program in order to streamline efficiency.
Due to her deep involvement on campus, Lindsey has collected a good amount of awards. She was involved in two sales competitions, earning 2nd place in both individual and team competitions. Her success landed her as the captain of her team in the competition. She has already completed her Professional Sales Certificate, Certificate in Analytical Leadership, and Certificate in Communicative Leadership. The experience she gained from these certificates helped her to become a well rounded employee. Since she lived in the LLC Wild about Business Program, she was able to connect with other like minded individuals that shared the same passions.
This program gave her a community that she still values and relies on to this day. It is Lindsey’s passion for business that makes her one of this year's Stand-Out Students.
“When I first joined the Seufferlein Sales Program I never could have imagined just how impact that decision would be to my life not only as a student, but for what the program has done to prepare me for a successful future in sales. Over the years I have gotten the opportunity to practice in a role-play environment, compete against other universities in sales competitions, and network with an amazing group of hard working students, dedicated professors, and quality corporate partners. This program has taught me to embrace adaptability which we are learning to do every day being in this virtual environment. Luckily with our superior leadership and team, the program has not skipped a beat and is continuing to thrive. I love being a part of the SSP staff and ambassador program because it allows me to share my passion and knowledge gained in this program with other Chico State students. I am excited to continue my journey growing with the Seufferlein Sales Program and I am looking forward to improving my professional development by attending more workshops and competing in more sales competitions!”
Wyatt Updegraff
(BS, Business, '21)
Wyatt Updegraff is one of our most successful students within the Seufferlein Sales Program! He is a senior at Chico State, majoring in Business Administration with an emphasis in marketing. As a Chico State student, he has become very involved with both the SSP and his fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi. In his fraternity, he has held two leadership positions, Pledge Class President and currently as the Senior Vice President. In the SSP, he was rewarded with a first place win in the “Sweet 16 Sales Competition” all while working towards the Professional Sales Certificate, Certificate in Analytical Leadership, and Certificate in Communicative Leadership.
Off campus, he is working just as hard. He has held three jobs since 2015, working as a courtesy clerk at Raley’s, a delivery driver at Pizza Guys, and most recently, as an intern at Techtronic Industries. As a field sales intern, he gained experience in determining customers needs, and creating the proper solution for these needs. This internship definitely gave him the hands on experience that helped him to win the “Sweet 16 Sales Competition.”
Wyatt’s experience and involvement in the Seufferlein Sales Program all contributed to our decision to recognize him as one of our two stand-out students this semester.
"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't." This quote means a lot to me because it is essentially saying how you have to put in the hard work to achieve the things you want in life. My parents taught me growing up how fortunate I am to be healthy and able to receive such a great education. That's why it is important to never take anything for granted and work as hard as it takes to leave a positive lasting legacy on the world. I am inspired by all the people who grew up under much more difficult circumstances than I did and still made something of themselves! -a quote that inspires Wyatt Updegraff
This quote shows Wyatt's attitude at Chico. He took advantage of the opportunities put in front of him and made the most of his college experience.
For assistance filling out your application, please visit our office in Glenn 206 or email tpvilla@csuchico.edu.
Contact Us
Glenn Hall Room 206
Thomas Villa
Executive Director
Finn Blacker
Program Manager
Natalie Bourn
Program Manager
Ashley Gay
Corporate Relations Assistant
Chad Haller
Marketing Specialist
Hannah Taft
Marketing Specialist
Angelina Sotelo
Marketing Assistant
Evan Smeltzer
Marketing Specialist
David Gross
Competition Coach
Annie Belter
Operations Specialist
Leah Swaigen
Operations Specialist
Hayden Grant
Operations Assistant
Campbell Brown
Operations Assistant
Letter from the Executive Director
"The Seufferlein Sales Program (SSP) finished the 2022/2023 academic school year with 544 students enrolled in our program representing 64 different majors! Whether you are an engineering, IT, communications, liberal arts, computer science, really any major, we want you to come check out our 21 unit sales certificate." Read the whole letter for our Executive Director here.