Study Abroad & Exchange


Preapproved GE Substitution Forms - CSU IP


The CSU IP central office will automatically send your Grade Report to Chico State. While most transcripts will arrive approximately one month after your return to the U.S. it may take up to a full semester before your transcript arrives from the host university. Once your transcript arrives, we immediately upload a scanned copy to your TREK account where you will be automatically notified. We then send it to Records, who will post it a few months later. Sometimes there is a backlog at Records and your transcript will be posted quite late. Please do not be alarmed if your transcript doesn't get posted immediately.


Please be aware that most transcripts will NOT BE POSTED FOR SEVERAL MONTHS after your return.

Refer all questions regarding transcripts to our office:

Please, DO NOT contact Records with a question regarding transcripts, as there is only one person who posts all International transcripts, and all others who work in that office are not familiar with the process.

This will NOT be a problem for financial aid or registration for the following semester. All holds should be postponed automatically. If you find that you have a hold on your FA pending transcripts from abroad, please contact Casey Dinsmore at Financial Aid:

If you plan to graduate soon and need your transcripts expedited, please e-mail the Study Abroad Office alerting us to your situation:

Extending Your Program

  1. Contact the CSU IP Central Office to find out what additional paperwork you will need to submit.
  2. Contact the Study Abroad & Exchange Office at Chico State to ensure an extension is allowable.  In some cases it isn't possible to extend due to impaction, so the sooner you submit a request, the better. You can submit this inquiry to your CSU IP Advisor at Chico State(opens in new window).
  3. Submit the Intent to Extend (PDF) and an updated Financial Planning (PDF) form to the Study Abroad & Exchange Office
  4. To ensure that you are able to complete courses during your second term abroad for your degree program at CSU, Chico, please see the Getting Courses Authorized Abroad(opens in new window) section of this site for more information.

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