Study Abroad & Exchange

Faculty-led Program Proposals

Customized faculty-led study abroad programs are credit-bearing, proposed by Chico State faculty, and developed in collaboration with International Education & Global Engagement (IEGE), Professional & Continuing Education (PCE), and competitive service providers. Together, we promote and support international education opportunities for faculty and students by administering intentionally designed and academically rigorous study abroad programs.

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Proposal review is conducted by the Study Abroad Advisory Committee (SAAC). To propose a faculty-led study abroad program, programs, and faculty must meet the following criteria and eligibility:

Faculty Experience/Expertise:

  • Has taught abroad previously and/or has visited or spent time in the program host country or region.
  • Speaks or has familiarity with the language of the host country, has taught courses specific to the program host country or region, and/or can demonstrate a host institution or provider will help facilitate in-country support.
  • Minimum one year of experience teaching at Chico State at the time of proposal submission.
  • Led by faculty with a record of teaching excellence and demonstrated active involvement with students.
  • Committed to actively marketing the program and demonstrates a recruitment plan and the potential to recruit 15+ participants.
  • Dedicated to working collaboratively with the International Education & Global Engagement (IEGE), Professional & Continuing Education (PCE), and the host university or service providers (if applicable).
  • Prioritizes efforts to increase the accessibility of study abroad, focusing on students in underrepresented populations.

Program Considerations:

  • Includes courses that ideally fulfill major, minor, and/or GE requirements, tailored to the proposed program objectives (e.g., offers courses that are in high demand among students and aid in their degree progress)
  • Addresses curricular areas not supported by existing faculty-led or affiliate programs and/or offer opportunities in countries/regions where Chico State has few or no programs during that term.
  • Attempts to keep program costs low for a diverse prospective student pool. Note: Campus and external grants may also be applied to lower student program costs.
  • A minimum of a 3 credit program is recommended.


Program Terms

Preliminary Proposal

Finalized Proposal

SummerApril 1 (of previous year)May 1 (of previous year)
Other TermsOne year in advance of
program start date

*Deadlines may be shorter for pre-established faculty-led programs.

For program success and to allow adequate time for recruiting, it is essential to adhere to the following steps and below deadlines when Submitting Program Proposals:

Phase I: Faculty Eligibility & Program Development

Phase II: Submit Proposal (part 1) for Preliminary Review by SAAC

  • In TREK, submit the following questionnaires for preliminary review by SAAC (see deadlines), and notify SAE Coordinator:
    • General Information
    • Academic Information
    • Health, Safety, and Risk Management
  • Meet with Risk Management to discuss health and safety program aspects, CSU policies, resources, and support.
  • Note: SAAC may invite faculty to come speak to their proposals.

Phase III: Submit Proposal (part 2) for Final Review by SAAC

  • Meet with Professional and Continuing Education (PCE) to discuss fiscal policies and final budget development.
  • In TREK(opens in new window), complete the remaining faculty-led proposal questionnaires and revise and re-submit previously submitted #1-3 questionnaires (if needed).
  • SAAC conducts a final review of the proposal.
  • If SAAC recommends approval, AVP will send the proposal to Provost for review and approval.

Phase IV: Marketing & Pre-Departure Orientation (Post Approval)

  • Develop a marketing & outreach plan to support your program's promotion, recruitment, and retention (e.g., flyer, campus announcements, info sessions, classroom presentations, etc.).
  • Student participation roster by “go/no go date” to be confirmed in collaboration with SAE Coordinator, PCE, and study abroad provider/host institution (if applicable).
  • Pre-departure preparation and orientation (after the program “makes”) in collaboration with SAE Coordinator.
  • Faculty or staff leading students should review the Emergency Procedures for Faculty (PDF) (PDF) and the Faculty-led Emergency Action Plan (PDF) (PDF) documents available through Risk Management.

Phase V: Program Implementation & Post-Program Assessment/Debrief

  • Notify SAE Coordinator about the safe arrival & check-in of all participants.
  • Complete on-site orientation (with the support of Third-Party Providers or Host Institutions, if applicable).
  • If an incident occurs abroad, faculty should follow Emergency Procedures for Faculty Guidelines and contact SAE Coordinator immediately.
  • SAE will send participants a post-Study Abroad Program Survey.
  • Faculty meets with SAE Coordinator to debrief post-program.

Highlights & Resources:

Note: Faculty-led Trips (FLT) differ from Faculty-Led Programs (FLP), as they (FLT) are non-credit bearing international trips. The deadline to submit a faculty-led Trip preliminary proposal is approximately sixty (60) days prior to departure.