Study Abroad & Exchange

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Abroad

"Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow."  said by Anita Desai

Our Study Abroad & Exchange team at Chico State is here to support you (all students) throughout your study abroad/away process, from the initial application stage to your return to the U.S.  As you research which location and program will be the best fit for you academically and personally, we ask that you also consider how your identities may shape your experience. We are composed of a multitude of identities, some of which are visible, and others we have the option of disclosing or not.

Attitudes and tolerance towards persons of a different race/ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, ability/disability, socio-economic status, etc. vary from country to country, just as they vary among U.S. cities and states. Most study abroad/away participants have a positive experience while abroad/away. Nevertheless, it is helpful to reflect, prepare, and do research on your destination before you go.

We strongly encourage you to share with your Study Abroad & Exchange Advisor about who you are, and what makes you, you. All members of the Study Abroad & Exchange team are allies to equity, diversity, and inclusion and will assist you in conducting country/state and culture-specific research.  Further, our team will help you determine whether or not the Resident Director and host university abroad/away are “Safe Zones”. As with all advising sessions, student confidentiality will be maintained at all times.

For more information on identities and studying abroad/away, please explore the resources below.


Race & Ethnicity



First Generation

Gender Identity


Adult Students

 “I met a lot of people in Europe. I even encountered myself.” said by James Baldwin